Shirley Phelps-Roper, daughter of Fred and most active member of Westboro, plainly says the Westboro cult does not exist to reach people for Christ. She also denies they are a cult. That alone should be exhibit number one that it is. Also featured is a man who came to Westboro for the purpose of filming a documentary only to join the cult himself.
The Most Hated Family in America has been edited into nine parts by a nice YouTuber. I will post the documentary in two posts. Below are parts 1-3. Part 2 includes a sermon excerpt by Fred Phelps himself. He reminds me of Leonid Brezhnev near the end of his life being propped up by the apparatchik or something. Phelps ideology remains the driving force behind the cult, even if he is old and moves slow.
Oh, and it appears Billy Graham is a hell-bound heretic whose funeral will be picketed by the Westboro cult.
WARNING: There is graphic swearing in sections as well as horrible language toward other people including homosexual persons, Jews, military persons, and others. There are also disturbing images and situations.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3