I have been blogging for nearly 9 years, and truly enjoy the medium. It has provided a way for me to engage others, hone my writing craft, and develop ideas. Debate has been fruitful, lively and, mostly, forward moving.
Recently I read Platform by Michael Hyatt (click here to see on Amazon.com). Hyatt is one of the most widely read bloggers in all of evangelical life. I could not begin to carry his keyboard. Or iPad. His blog, his tools, and his way of blogging have become somewhat of a “gold standard” for serious bloggers.
One thing he mentioned in Platform is to find a niche or focus and stick with it. Too wide a variety does not allow for a strong readership to build. Too much variety on a blog is like buying Good Housekeeping to find one article about home decor, another about spark plug gaps, and another about the difference between true north and magnetic north. Such an effort would not sell much because the topics are not related in any way. (Unless you need to set your spark plug gaps to drive back from Bed, Bath and Beyond, to your home at the North Pole, perhaps.)
That poses quite a quandary for me because I have so many interests. My curiosity drives me to an every widening sphere, to which many people feel very little draw. This is somewhat frustrating since, like most writers, I desire readers, and would like to increase the number of readers who frequent Kingdom in the Midst.
There are 10 broad topics included. Click the “radio button” beside as many as apply. At the bottom is a place for you to enter a topic I may have overlooked. Remember, these are broad topics so do not be too specific.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute to complete the poll. Also, if you have time, I’d love for you to tell me which recent post was the best from your perspective. Use the comment section to let me know.
Note: Once you click a button the program will not allow an “unclick.” Reloading the page may help, otherwise write a note stating which one was chosen by accident. Again, you can choose as few or as many as you want. Thx.
The poll is now closed. Thank you.