TED Talk Tuesday: The danger of Internet filtering [VIDEO]

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he danger involved with this can hardly be overstated. Not to know one is blind is an excruciating blindness. If Eli Pariser is right we are all suffering from a blindness of which we are not aware.

Eli Pariser TED
[Image credit]
Another way of putting it is that we are all being affected by confirmation bias in a more subtle way then we might have imagined. Confirmation bias is the tendency to interpret data in a way that fits our presuppositions about religion, science, politics, sports and life in general. Confirmation bias is why two people of opposing views can read the same news story then claim it supports their viewpoint. It is seeing that with which we agree and–usually–unconsciously ignoring that which challenges our thinking.

The danger about which Pariser (also co-founder of Upworthy.com) warns revolves around how our Internet searches are filtered to match our preferences. He calls it “the filter bubble.” The algorithms behind Facebook search, Facebook newsfeed, Google, Bing, etc, pre-filter our results based on what we like, with whom we have interacted online, where we live, from where we are accessing the Internet, the operating system and browser we use, and more. Results are then shown to us not as unfiltered data, but prioritized as data the algorithm deduces we most likely want to see. So news stories are fed to us because they are the type of story we read most often, not because they are the most comprehensive, most accurate, or from a reliable source. Most people have certain political or religious leanings. Filtering can cause the erroneous assumption that more people think like us than actually do.

This is not a long video, and it is worth your time.

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Hi, I'm Marty Duren

I’m Marty Duren, a freelance writer, content creator, podcaster, and publisher in Nashville, TN. I guess that makes me an entrepreneur-of-all-trades. Formerly a social media strategist at a larger publisher, comms director at a religious nonprofit, and a pastor, Marty Duren Freelance Writing is the new business iteration of a decade-long side-hustle.

I host the Uncommontary Podcast which publishes weekly. Guests range from academics to authors to theologians to activists on subjects related to history, current events, and the impact of evangelicalism on American life. My voice is deep-fried giving rise to being labeled “a country Batman.” Find Uncommontary in your favorite podcast app.

Missional Press publishes books by Christian writers with the goal of impacting people with the good news of Jesus. 

I’m a longtime blogger at Kingdom in the Midst, where, over the course of many years, I’ve written a lot of words.

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