Batman got pulled over for bogus license plates on the Batmobile last week. Or so it seems.
“Batman” is 48-year old Lenny B. (for Batman) Robinson who dons cape and costume to visit children’s hospitals in the Montgomery County, MD. Having earned a fortune the old fashioned way (read: “didn’t win the lottery”), he decided to put his riches to good use.
While driving on Highway 29 Batman was pulled over by the boys in blue for having a tag with the “bat” symbol instead of a standard registration. What follows is an almost seven-minute clip of Batman shuffling through his dashboard and floorboard to try and satisfy the legal requirement. One of the cops can barely stop giggling and two of them end up taking pictures. Robinson goes along in good humor while taking the time to explain what he does and why.
Washington Post writer Michael S. Rosenwald had a lead into Robinson’s story and wrote about it here. It’s a great piece.