Is it possible the polls are off enough for Trump to pull another election surprise? To this observer it does not seem likely.
Is it possible the polls are off enough for Trump to pull another election surprise? To this observer it does not seem likely.
In the first century context, a walled city projected security, wholeness, a kingdom, and authority. New Jerusalem exemplifies these concepts without reference to…
But when the last vote is cast, and it is time to get on with the business of the country, perhaps its time…
In which I talk about the 25% in Evan McMullin's campaign that he needs to address to secure my vote.
I'm glad to welcome Phill Larsen as a regular contributor at Kingdom in the Midst.
Washington was keenly aware of the destructive nature of political parties and was concerned they would "enfeeble public administration."
Plenty of strong, language exists on the narrow way without borrowing words from the trash can.
Hillary's defense money, Iran voting, ISIS threatens Jack and Mark, more.
A year or so ago one of my friends (either Devin or Amy) said, "You should watch The West Wing. You'd love it."
This occasional aggregation of content never fails to disappoint.
I’m Marty Duren, a freelance writer, content creator, podcaster, and publisher in Nashville, TN. I guess that makes me an entrepreneur-of-all-trades. Formerly a social media strategist at a larger publisher, comms director at a religious nonprofit, and a pastor, Marty Duren Freelance Writing is the new business iteration of a decade-long side-hustle.
I host the Uncommontary Podcast which publishes weekly. Guests range from academics to authors to theologians to activists on subjects related to history, current events, and the impact of evangelicalism on American life. My voice is deep-fried giving rise to being labeled “a country Batman.” Find Uncommontary in your favorite podcast app.
Missional Press publishes books by Christian writers with the goal of impacting people with the good news of Jesus.
I’m a longtime blogger at Kingdom in the Midst, where, over the course of many years, I’ve written a lot of words.
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