Apple vs the FBI, Ambassador Clooney, Boutros-Ghali dies, Welfare recipients and drug use.
Apple vs the FBI, Ambassador Clooney, Boutros-Ghali dies, Welfare recipients and drug use.
They wait in anticipation to cross the border, some without even knowing what country they are in.
Bombing Syria. Again. Trump slipping. Yemeni famine.
As refugees leave the news cycle followers of Jesus should not forget these people in need.
Attempted infiltration of the American refugee process by terrorists is not only unlikely, it's bad strategy.
Those whose concern is "making sure," should have their minds set at ease.
"Jesus saves! Just get saved in your own country. Or in Europe."
Those looking for safety can be found a raft ride or minefield meander away from someone who can provide it.
The graphic was created intentionally to teach us how easy it is to put fake information online, and how easy it is to…
Followers of Jesus cannot, for fear of what might happen, ignore what is happening.
I’m Marty Duren, a freelance writer, content creator, podcaster, and publisher in Nashville, TN. I guess that makes me an entrepreneur-of-all-trades. Formerly a social media strategist at a larger publisher, comms director at a religious nonprofit, and a pastor, Marty Duren Freelance Writing is the new business iteration of a decade-long side-hustle.
I host the Uncommontary Podcast which publishes weekly. Guests range from academics to authors to theologians to activists on subjects related to history, current events, and the impact of evangelicalism on American life. My voice is deep-fried giving rise to being labeled “a country Batman.” Find Uncommontary in your favorite podcast app.
Missional Press publishes books by Christian writers with the goal of impacting people with the good news of Jesus.
I’m a longtime blogger at Kingdom in the Midst, where, over the course of many years, I’ve written a lot of words.
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