![[<a href="http://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/library_article/738/Generosity_of_God.html"target="_blank">Image credit</a>]](https://i0.wp.com/www.martyduren.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/passionetch.jpeg?fit=193%2C378&ssl=1)
Welcome to the conclusion of my book, The Generous Soul. If you are late to this project you can find all the preceding…
Welcome to the conclusion of my book, The Generous Soul. If you are late to this project you can find all the preceding…
Several months ago I started on a journey to give away my book a chapter at a time. This is still in the…
I have been blogging for nearly 9 years, and truly enjoy the medium. It has provided a way for me to engage others,…
The Olympics brought tennis to my mind for the first time since, oh, Wimbledon two weeks prior. But, as the games progressed producing…
To bring this recent series on the Westboro cult to a close, I wanted to point your attention to a BBC documentary entitled…
After my post asking that Fred Phelps’ family religious group be termed a cult a few people wondered at the wisdom of the…
Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. –Oscar Wilde I am pretty sure Oscar Wilde will never gain anyone’s…
I have never heard of Jesse Lee Peterson before today. I hope I never hear from him again. While he points out that…
Thanks for hanging in there to read this far! If you are just finding this, you can start at the beginning by going…
Below is chapter 4 of my book, The Generous Soul, available for your reading. The standard restrictions (do not copy, do not print)…
I’m Marty Duren, a freelance writer, content creator, podcaster, and publisher in Nashville, TN. I guess that makes me an entrepreneur-of-all-trades. Formerly a social media strategist at a larger publisher, comms director at a religious nonprofit, and a pastor, Marty Duren Freelance Writing is the new business iteration of a decade-long side-hustle.
I host the Uncommontary Podcast which publishes weekly. Guests range from academics to authors to theologians to activists on subjects related to history, current events, and the impact of evangelicalism on American life. My voice is deep-fried giving rise to being labeled “a country Batman.” Find Uncommontary in your favorite podcast app.
Missional Press publishes books by Christian writers with the goal of impacting people with the good news of Jesus.
I’m a longtime blogger at Kingdom in the Midst, where, over the course of many years, I’ve written a lot of words.
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